Family Bereavement SessionsOffering a safe space for yourChildren to express emotions.

Family Bereavement Sessions are deeply personal.
In 2018 Marie and her two boys were gifted a Family Bereavement Session - by the very same woman who married Rob and Marie.
"To say it was emotional might be an understatement. The most beautiful part was that she knew Rob and could talk to our sons about him." Marie recalls.
Yet, what touched her even deeper was hearing about Rob's passing from their sons' perspective for the very first time.
Naturally, Marie had usually been the one to tell their story - yet children need the opportunity and encouragement to find their voice, to express their emotions.
Marie now holds space for families who are in deep need of healing. It is important for children to have a space where they can feel safe and express their emotions.
Marie holds space in a gentle way, with the strength of a mother who has walked that path with her own children. It is highly recommended to book a chat before you decide, to assure this is the right step for your family!
A word to the Parent, with Love...
Allowing somebody else to hold space for your children can be a daunting thought in such a vulnerable time. This is why a chat beforehand is recommended. Imagine the healing this can allow for your family, when you create a sacred space where your children can express their raw and deep emotions.
What happens in a Family Bereavement Session?
A Family Bereavement Session is usually held in the comfort of your own home, where your children already feel safe. Marie will provide all material needed for these sessions. They are usually conducted in 2 separate sessions, yet this will be discussed individually to suit your family. Your children and you will draw different stages of your story. Marie will be there to hold space and guide you through the process.